The group will meet at key stages in the development of the Neighbourhood Plan. The dates and regularity of meetings will be set by the group depending on the stage of the process and workload.
The Steering Group members will receive an agenda for meetings at least 2 days prior to the meeting. Any documents which are to be considered prior to a meeting should be circulated at least 2 working days prior to a meeting
Minutes of all meetings will be recorded and kept on file for reference, draft minutes of meetings will be circulated following each meeting after clearance by the Chair.
All members of the Steering Group, with the exception of co-opted members e.g. district council employees, will have an equal vote in decision making. However, it is likely that some decisions will be in the form of a recommendation to the town/ parish council or the district council, for their consideration.
Decisions made by the Group should normally be by consensus at group meetings. If this is not possible then decisions will be taken by vote, with each member present having one vote, and a simple majority will be required to support a decision. A minimum of four members must be present to enable decisions to be taken. The Chair, or in their absence the Deputy Chair shall have the casting vote.
Steering Group members should declare an interest where there is a potential financial or pecuniary benefit to themselves, or their company / organisation arising from the decisions or recommendations of the group.
The Steering group will be disbanded upon completion of the project at a time to be agreed by the group or the Lewknor Parish Council