Referendum Result: An Overwhelming Vote in Favour

We are delighted to announce that the result of the referendum on 23rd November on the Lewknor Parish Neighbourhood Plan was an overwhelming vote in favour. Of the 33.5% turnout, 90.7% were in favour. Thank you to everyone who came out to vote; your support for the plan is much appreciated. This means that the Neighbourhood Plan will now be adopted by South Oxfordshire District Council, therefore planners will need to take it into account in any planning decisions.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this result by responding to our various consultations which ensured the plan reflected the views of residents, by offering feedback, by offering your skills and time, or for simply spreading the word.

I would personally like to thank the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, both the current members: Kayti Foster, Duncan Boulton and Peter Freeman who have worked tirelessly on this for more than six years, and past members of the group for their hard work on the plan.

Peter Gardner

Chairman, Lewknor Parish Neighbourhood Plan Group


SODC Consultation

South Oxfordshire District Council’s consultation on the Lewknor Parish Neighbourhood Plan ended on 7th June. An external examiner was then appointed by SODC to carry out the required examination of the plan plus all related documents and comments. The examiner’s role was to review and make recommendations on the draft plan and ultimately to determine the fitness of the plan to go forward for a referendum of voters in the parish.

The comments the District Council received can be seen on their website,


Welcome to the Lewknor Parish Neighbourhood Plan website

What is a Neighbourhood Plan and why do we need one?
The Localism Act of 2012 gives parishes such as ours the opportunity to have a greater say in the future development of their area by creating a Neighbourhood Plan which defines such items as where we would like new housing to be built; the mix of housing types needed; and the infrastructure needs to support growth of our parish. 

A properly prepared and adopted Neighbourhood Plan has legal status alongside SODC’s Local Plan and will eventually sit alongside the Local Plan 2033 as a part of the Local Development Scheme. This means that it must be taken into account when applications are considered for planning permission. 

The Neighbourhood Plan gives all residents of the Lewknor Parish community a new way of influencing planning decisions. By having an adopted Neighbourhood Plan, we have a legally enforceable way of controlling at least some aspects of future development in our Parish.

If we do not have a Neighbourhood Development Plan, the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011 - 2035 document will control these decisions.

Who is writing our Neighbourhood Plan?

You are! Well, at least it’s the feedback that you provide to our team of volunteers that is the basis of everything in it. Our team of volunteers is a small, dedicated group who have been working together since September 2017 to canvass the opinions of everyone in the Parish and to draw these together into a cohesive Neighbourhood Plan. 

How will I know what’s going on?

Send us a question through the Contact Us page, read updates here on the Lewknor Parish Neighbourhood Plan website, look us up in Grapevine or become a member of our Facebook Group to join in discussions, ask questions and post your point of view.